Saturday, December 23, 2017

Know Yourself

This week, Dana Maggi, Owner of Career Pain Relief, spoke to my chapter of Business Executives Networking Group (BENG).   Actually, she facilitated a lively discussion on job search.   My takeaway from Dana's presentation is 'know yourself'.  This advice is always on point.  It is very difficult to gain traction in your job search if you cannot clearly communicate your value proposition. You cannot present your value proposition; i.e. the reason you are best suited for the job unless you know your strengths, weakness, and accomplishments.  

The discussion eventually moved to tricky interview questions and how best to answer them.  One question caught my interest; the ubiquitous, "tell me about yourself."  The group was confused about the best way to answer.  They were not clear as to the intent of the question, or how much detail to provide.  

Well, how should you answer the "tell me about yourself" question? Do you talk about your personal life; your family, hobbies, or other interests? Do you talk about your career goals?  Do you talk about your favorite boss or past employer?  Or, do you convey your particular accomplishments, skills, training, and development? How would you answer that question?

My contribution was to remind the group of the big picture.  Interview time is a limited commodity, so make it productive.  Focus on why you are there.  As a prospective senior executive, your communication skills are of great interest.  They may be the most important aspect of the job in question. Directing a team requires clear communications.  Convincing more senior executives to fund programs or projects requires effective salesmanship.  Defending a budget, or a capital appropriation request requires persuasion skills.  Presenting to the Board of Directors requires exceptional poise and finesse. As with each of these activities, interview success depends on your ability to present a clear message that resonates with the employer.   

Personally, I’m not fond of the "tell me about yourself" question. It is too ambiguous to yield a consistently useful answer.   I understand that it may be used as a conversation starter, but there is a better way.   I prefer to ask the candidate for a 60-second, thumbnail sketch of their current situation and what they want to do now.  This question is clear, requiring a focused response.   I expect to hear the common themes of their career, including their particular skills and strengths.  I want to gain an understanding of their plan for the next stage of their career.  It is my first glimpse into the candidate's ability to communicate.   It is a more productive use of my time.  If the candidate can present her experience, strengths, and skills in an effective one-minute presentation, she has my attention.  I will move her forward in the process. It requires self-awareness.

From my point of view,  the "tell me about yourself," is a poor way to begin an interview.  However, one must anticipate this question as it is so commonly used.  Fortunately, it presents the job seeker with an opportunity to influence the direction of the interview. I recommend an answer that is focused on what you’re trying to accomplish now while presenting the strengths and experience you bring to the party.  It should be a short answer, probably no more than one minute long.   It will require a well-rehearsed presentation.  The best response explains why you are the ideal candidate for the job.  In other words, your elevator pitch.  If done properly, your interviewer will ask follow-up questions that play to your strengths.  Unless you are asked about personal interests, stay focused on presenting your suitability for the job in question. 

During job search, you must communicate a clear and concise message to capture the employer's interestTo craft this message requires self-awareness.  Know yourself!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company - New
2. Operating Partners - Legacy Pizza Chain - New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller - Atlanta-based Consumer Products - Digital Company - Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment - Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

New COO Search Assignment: New Century Dynamics Executive Search

December 1, 2017:  New COO Search Assignment:  New Century Dynamics Executive Search Announces a new Search Assignment: COO for a Northeastern-based Casual Dining Brand. Your interest and referrals are welcome.

December 1, 2017:  New Search Assignment:  New Century Dynamics Executive Search Announces that it has been contracted to find Operating Partners for a Legacy Pizza Chain. Your interest and referrals are welcome.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, President

Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company - New
2. Operating Partners - Legacy Pizza Chain - New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller - Atlanta-based Consumer Products - Digital Company - Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment - Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Overcome Difficulties With A Positive Attitude

This was a big weekend for College Football as the NCAA Conference Champions were determined. Watching these games was great fun, and most exciting.  Additionally, I found it interesting that there was a noticeable difference in personalities and attitudes between the winning and losing teams. It may have been subtle but it was noticeable.

I was reminded of teams I have worked with.  The successful teams were always more enthusiastic and positive about success.  They exuded 'esprit de corps'.  Stated another way, I cannot remember being part of a successful team composed of negative people.  Likewise, I cannot remember hiring anyone to be on one of my teams who weren’t enthusiastic about the project. 

Anyone can maintain a positive attitude when things are going well.  That's easy.  The momentum of the situation can carry one forward.  The challenge is to maintain a positive attitude during stressful times.  When facing difficulties, a positive attitude can be the difference between a success and failure.  Have you ever met a goal while harboring negative thoughts about your ability to achieve that goal?  Probably not.  Your attitude makes a difference!  Job search is a stressful time, as we encounter a lot of rejection and fear for our financial future.  

Proponents of Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) say that your words and thoughts program your mind to behave in a corresponding way.  In other words, negative thoughts result in negative outcomes and positive thoughts result in positive outcomes.   What’s more effective, asking somebody to remember something or saying don’t forget something?   Your mind hears 'remember' and 'forget' and responds accordingly.  So, align your thoughts, actions, and speech toward your desired outcome and suppress negative thoughts.  A related concept is "The Law of Attraction," made famous by "The Secret."  This concept states that our thoughts and feelings create our experiences and that we create a reality based on those thoughts.  Whatever you concentrate on, pay attention to, focus on, or dwell upon, is drawn to you for better or worse. It also means that you should be clear on your desired outcome.  If "you are what you eat" is appropriate for dieting, then "you are what you think," is appropriate for achieving a positive outcome.  Concentrate on being positive.   Concentrate on success.

Concern and worry are two possible responses to difficulties.  Recognizing the risks of a difficult situation, i.e. concern, while taking responsibly for corrective actions is the positive approach.  The difficult situation is viewed as a challenge, a learning experience.  Worry, on the other hand, is unproductive.  It is focused on negative outcomes without taking responsibility or appropriate remedial action.  Worry creates more stress and potential health issues.  
Maintaining a positive attitude is a choice.  You should remember the situation is part of your life but does not define your life.

Principles to maintain a positive attitude:

  1. Chose to become a positive person
  2. Focus on Successful Outcomes
  3. Know that you create your reality
  4. Difficult situations are opportunities to learn and grow
  5. Use positive language your keep your thoughts positive
  6. Garbage In - Garbage Out
  7. Be grateful

Strategies to maintain a positive attitude:
  1. Begin your day with positive affirmations, meditation, reading
  2. Exercise, it's natures happiness drug
  3. Use audio-video resources to reinforce positive messages
  4. Associate with positive people - avoid emotional drags
  5. Express your appreciation 
  6. Defeat negative thinking as those thoughts occur
  7. Take care of yourself (healthy eating, enough sleep, and exercise)
  8. Change your response or avoid stressful situations
  9. Change the paradigm
  10. Avoid Television News Programs

The benefits of a positive attitude:
  1. You attract positive people
  2. You become more relaxed and at peace with yourself.
  3. You develop and enhance your sense of empathy
  4. You achieve positive outcomes

Unless you develop a strategy to nullify the pain of rejection, job search success will be difficult. Remember it isn’t personal.  Consider rejection a gift that you do not wish to take. No one can hurt you unless you let them.

Maintaining a positive attitude during difficult times isn't easy.  It takes effort and needs constant reinforcement.  However, it is a choice that will serve you well.  Following the principles and strategies presented in this post will result in optimal outcomes.  Think success, be successful.  

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner

Author of: Fighting Alligators: Job Search Strategy For The New Normal
Current Assignments
1. COO- Northeast-based Casual Dining Restaurant Company - New
2. Operating Partners - Legacy Pizza Chain - New
3. Director of Biz Dev, Atlanta-based B2B Professional Services Company:    Completed
4. Payroll-Benefits Manager, Atlanta-based Retail Company:  Complete
5. Senior Accounting Manager – Atlanta-based Manufacturer. Complete
6. Controller - Atlanta-based Consumer Products - Digital Company - Completed
7. Outplacement Assignment - Atlanta-based Manufacturer:  Complete